Departs at 2pm from Carolina Honda
Gift Suggestions
Bath Robes
Warm Gloves
Sweatshirts (L-3XL)
T-Shirts, Underwear
Cookies (without nuts)
Soft Candy
Back Packs
Cash Contributions
Walmart Gift Cards
Warm Socks
Throw Blankets
Sweat Pants
Toilet Articles
Gift Cards
Small Radios
Phone Cards
Ball Caps
Food Gift Cards

Event Location
Carolina Honda Powerhouse parking lot, 901 Buckner Road, Columbia, SC 29203. The ride will depart for Dorn VA Hospital at 2 PM rain or shine.
I-20 East to exit 70, turn at Hardee's and Flying "J" onto Buckner Road. Carolina Honda will be located 1/2 mile on the right.
Event Gallery
Welcome to our Photo Albums. Here you'll find photos ( and in the near future, videos ) from our various rides. The rides have grown from several hundred participants to over 3,500 bikes at our largest ride.
The Vet's Christmas Charity Ride is one of the largest rides in the state and draws riders from all over the country. We strive to ensure you'll have a safe, enjoyable experience while helping our well deserving Vets.